Real Estate UI
Frontend Design

JavaScript, flexbox und Bootstrap 3.3.7 in order to use an older framework that's still being used a lot.
Frontend Design
JavaScript, flexbox und Bootstrap 3.3.7 in order to use an older framework that's still being used a lot.
My Theme "BloodEagle"
I really enjoy WordPress Theme Development! I have developed a theme called BloodEagle from scratch, getting familiar with the process of creating a custom post type, practicing CSS, HTML, PHP and a little JS.
Different values are assigned to different runes, then 2 random runes are drawn & their values are compared to each other.
Goes well with the BloodEagle mood.
Adapting an existing theme is no big deal to me. Here I have customized the SCREENR Theme with CSS.
animated with @keyframes spin
An alternative navigation.
Functions, Loops, Conditions
Various exercises in JavaScript.