You might want to check out my other Portfolio
Both portfolios are works in progress.
This one here is entirely developed by me, from scratch, focusing more on applying
HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery.
That other Portfolio was made with HTML5 UP, focusing more on representation with screenshots.
Various technologies I have already applied.
Links to examples are being added continuously.
Wordpress Theme Development
along with Vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Theme "BloodEagle"
Go to Download Page
Just see the UI Design
Character Counter
- Repo
- Live
JS function counts characters while the user is typing and alerts if too many are being typed.
Random Love Calculator
- Repo
- Live
Use of Math.random, Math.floor and calling function on click.
Bootstrap 3 & 4
Frontend Design - Real Estate UI
- Links will be added
- I've created a CMS with a login using PHP, XAMPP and SQL.
- Links will be added
- Links will be added in the coming days
- functions, databases, Python graphics (turtle), NumPy, Pandas
Ruby on Rails
- classes, objects, exceptions, Ruby on Rails, model view controller, action controller, action view, cloud concepts
CMS Experience & Other Tools
XAMPP: local development of WordPress sites, local PHP-SQL project
Command Line Basics
Local by Flywheel: local development of WordPress sites
WordPress: editorial use, use of plugins, Theme Development
Joomla: editorial use, use of modules and extensions
Typo3: editorial use
paint.NET - manipulating pictures

What I prefer / like
Front-End Back-EndMy own CSS3 Bootstrap
Vanilla JS jQuery
Wordpress Joomla
Windows Mac
English (Fluent) German (Native)